Brzezinski: Trump Is a ‘Stone Cold Racist’
There is “a renewed license (to be racist) that is inspired by this president”

Steve Watson | - May 31, 2018

During a discussion regarding Roseanne Barr’s tweets, MSNBC Morning Joe Co-host Mika Brzezinski declared Wednesday that President Trump is a “stone cold racist.”

Brzezinski threw her hat in the ring along with the other ‘journalists’ who pounced on the Roseanne incident as a way of once again labeling the President as a racist.

“You can see the way people act, and maybe they feel a license to act that way because this president – I will quote Steve Schmidt – ‘is a stone cold racist.’ I’m sorry; I quoted someone else, but I agree with it, and I’ll stand right by it,” Brzezinski said.

She also repeated that there is “a renewed license (to be racist) that is inspired by this president.”

MSNBC political analyst Steve Schmidt made the comment earlier in the broadcast, but that’s hardly surprising given that he 1. works for MSNBC and 2. is a John McCain loyalist.

Joe Scarborough expanded on the comments, saying that the ‘epidemic’ of racism in America started before Trump was in office, and that basically all critics of Barack Obama are racist.

“The racism that Barack Obama and Michelle Obama and Valerie Jarrett and everybody in that White House endured online, on Twitter, on Facebook, and on Capitol Hill – It started there,” Scarborough said.

“I don’t think you can say it started with Donald Trump, because Valerie Jarrett and Michelle Obama and Barack Obama were being dehumanized on social media every day.” he added.

The insinuation is that these ‘racists’ all became Trump supporters, which is essentially what CNN talking heads concluded in a discussion on the Roseanne case.

“He’s made it more popular, I think, to be openly racist.” said ‘cultural critic’ Michaela Angela Davis.

Davis, a prominent Black Lives Matter sympathizer, then admitted that she believes ‘all of the people that voted for Donald Trump are racist’; tens of millions of Americans.

“They may not all be violently racist; they may not be– [Trump’s] targeted; he’s very clear and strategic. Anti-blackness is a strategy that has been the foundation of the American project,” she added.

When Co-host Alisyn Camerota suggested that Davis may be using too broad a brush, Davis responded “Racism isn’t broad. What you’re not hearing is there’s so many different levels of racism and how it works itself out.”

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861