For several weeks now there has been reports in the media about a coming chemical attack in Idlib province of Syria, which is currently the last major terrorist stronghold. These media reports coming out recently have 1 of 2 narratives:

1) Mainstream media outlets covering statements by neocons like UN Ambassador Nikki Haley or National Security Advisor John Bolton stating that (and I'm paraphrasing here), "If Assad again uses chemical weapons on his own people, there will be sever consequences". Fox, CNN, NY Times, and others are spouting this narrative.


2) Alternative and foreign media outlets stating that terrorists in Idlib are preparing to stage a false flag chemical attack in Idlib, again, to coax the west into bombing the Syrian Arab Army. RT has been reporting on Russian generals stating that chlorine is being prepared by the terrorists and filming has already begun to make propaganda for western consumption, see is also covering this and so is One America News Network.

Idlib is under the control of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham. HTS is formerly Al Nusra Front, the Syrian branch of Al Qaeda. HTS has been kidnapping and murdering Shiite and Christian civilians in Idlib since at least 2015. Throughout the Syrian Civil War, as the Syrian Arab Army supported by Russian Aerospace Forces has been wiping out terrorist strongholds, upon their collapse the SAA and Russia have allowed bus loads of terrorists to surrender weapons and retreat to Idlib. Russian Military Police have helped to keep many of these areas secure once the terrorists have left. Aleppo is good example of this as life there has been returning to normal. Since many of the terrorists have fled to Idlib, it's been well known for some time that a final battle would take place there.

As this final battle begins to unfold, we are already seeing YouTube ban channels of SANA - the official Syrian news agency, and also channels of the Syrian military and presidency. See Also Olive Group, a UK private military contractor, is there dressed up as Syrian White Helmets so they can stage rescues resulting from the fake chemical weapons attack they are helping to plan. See

I voted for Trump, and largely he's been doing a good job, especially with the economy, (not monetary or fiscal policy though), however the result of him allowing himself to become surrounded by neocons, recruiting them into his administration, is that he's had to do a complete 180 flip on what he said he was going to do as a candidate and get us out of Syria. When he launched missiles on Syria last time there was a fake chemical weapons attack where no attack happened and no one even died, I was very disappointed in him. (Luckily no one died in the missile attack either, but I think a firefighter did while responding to the aftermath). I think his support for supposed moderate rebels which we all know are actually Al Qaeda linked terrorists is so that 1) he can appease Israel, and 2) take pressure off of domestic issues related to this bogus Trump/Russia scandal. I wish there was something we could do to help him. My guess is this is not really his policy, but he's going along with it more for political survival reasons. Game of Thrones kind of stuff. Needless to say if there's a chemical attack in Jisr ash-Shugur anytime soon, I'm not going to believe a word of it. Unfortunately our State dept. and Soros are continuing to fund the Syrian White Helmets, and the narrative that these people are saviors rescuing children from bombed out hospitals, is going to continue until such time Trump can stand up to the neocons in his administration.

Edit: W00t! Celebrating my 100th post.

Last edited by Kelldor42; 09/12/2018 05:15 AM. "Honestly, um, there are things more important than your life, and freedom is one of them."