Originally Posted by ConSigCor
.The first survivalist fiction I read as a boy was Earth Abides and On the Beach. The film version of On the Beach with Gregory Peck was chilling. Nothing like growing up during the height of the cold war and thinking this is our future. Sadly it is still a very real possibility.

About the time of the Cuban missle crisis, I knew a old couple named Frankie and Lola. They were Cuban refugess who came to Florida about 59. Everytime anything about Castro was on the news Frankie would throw his shoe at the tv and start yelling in Spanish. Not understanding what was really going on I asked and got my first lesson about the evils of communism.

There was a radio show about Earth Abides....

Lots of prepper movies. One that was my first, was Panic in the Year Zero, with Ray Milland and Frankie Avalon. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0056331/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_65

Some others include Fail Safe, Dr. Strangelove, lots of others.

Emergency Medicine - saving the world from themselves, one at a time.

"Thou shalt not be a victim, thou shalt not be a perpetrator, but, above all, thou shalt not be a bystander."

I make the ADL soil themselves. And that makes me very happy smile