people used to be able to say anything on social media. That was its strength, and also its weakness. I've seen more than one discussion forum descent into an endless steam of "flame wars," which is why AWRM has moderators. But calling someone an idiot is one thing, threatening to kill someone is something else entirely. Of course, few of these threats are serious. But sadly, on rare occasions, they are.

Should PayPal have severed ties with Gab? PayPal is a private company, and they have every right to decide who they will do business with. It seems hypocritical that they would punish Gab and not Facebook or Twitter, but they have every right to be hypocritical as well. Ironically, by publicly refusing to do business with Gab, they may very well have done more advertising for Gab than Gab ever could.

Onward and upward,