Just read an article that all humans are related to a single genetic line from about 100K years ago. They used the mitochondrial DNA that is only passed down from the mother and backdated the origin based on mutation rates. They found similar results for many other animals tested. It's not saying than man originated 100K years ago. It's stating that everyone else died except for the "Adam and Eve" mating pair to bring us to today.

This article is much about the sky is falling, climate change and food shortages. It fails in its ignorance of why things happen. We could be heading into a mini-ice age, but I thought the world was warming. The climate change scientific report that Trump just said he didn't believe is probably the same one that reported a 60% increase in ocean water temperatures. Unfortunately, the report was shown to be greatly incorrect in their calculations on November 5. People lie for all kinds of reasons. Al Gore for instance was probably for the money. Then again it could be for more sinister reasons but greed is the likely sin.

Surprise, winter is here. Spring is coming. Summer heat after that. Fall leaves will fall next. I think they call it seasonal change...

"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always Bad Men." Lord Actin 1887

I fear we live in evil times...