In my reading and research the last few years on prepping topics, I’ve vome across the concept of “trotline fishing”, and its applicability to SHTF. You can set the line, go about your business and later return and with any luck have supper/breakfast with out having to sit there and “fish” when there are amanu other more pressing things to be worrying about.

All the examples I’ve been seeing are from people on MAJOR rivers (MS, MO, OH, TN...) that are big, wide, and DEEP. Just curious if anyone has done this on shallow rivers and or narrow creeks.

In Nebraska we are limited by law to only 5 hooks on a line. Not that this manners SHTF, but I want to start practicing these skills in the meantime. Gear without experience is useless. Our local creeks do have catfish and bullheads. Larger (but shallow sandbars) Platte River has lots of little fish, as well as larger gar.

Second question is more about bait. SHTF, I’m not buying or making stink bait...

"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at it�s worst, an intolerable one."
 Thomas Paine (from "Common Sense" 1776)