Pressure canning is my next step. I’ve wanted to try canning deer this way. Going deer hunting this fall/winter for the first time. The old Lee Enfield is going to get some action with the scout scope all tuned up.

As for seeds, this week s a big thing for most “gardeners”, as these are becoming rarer these days. They know how to only grow tomatoes and peppers that they buy at the garden store already 1’ tall in pots. When I do run across these types, they are amazed at what I grow. If you keep seeds from most of the tomatoes and peppers you will not get true or even productive plants.

On the farms it is worse. Without access to internationally grown biotech seeds every spring 999.9 of a 100 farms would be put indefinitely out of commission growing only weeds. This is my greatest fear, is that the nation’s (and world’s) breadbasket is just one disrupted planting season away from famine.

I’ve often wondered about storing several 55 gallon barrels with CO2 full of open pollinated corn, wheat, oats, and several edible beans... out on the farm to be able to plant a crop. Beyond food value, this crop would be worth its weight I. Good as seed to farmers desperate to have a crop the second year. Such a growing gold mine would be well worth a local militia guarding.

"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at it�s worst, an intolerable one."
 Thomas Paine (from "Common Sense" 1776)