I had a very terse “conversation” with a friend about his rant against hoarders and prepper being selfish.

Words have meanings. Because I have a lot of supplies (my hoard) which was built up over time and constantly rotated, it does not mean that I am on any level like the guy who at the 12th hour was filling up multiple carts at the store emptying shelves. People I know have always smirked and rolled their eyes at my “hoard”. Now I’m the villain? If anything, the fact that my family is NOT making out normal purchases is helping. Furthermore over the years as we built up our “hoard” we were buying more than we needed, inflating the demand for those products, leading to an increased incentive for those businesses to produce more...

"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at it�s worst, an intolerable one."
 Thomas Paine (from "Common Sense" 1776)