Oh this hits home. Conversation yesterday from a co-worker:
Co-worker- " If things get really bad I'll just head over to Tempstar's house and take his stuff"
Tempstar- "Try it and I will shoot you down, Clorox the bloodstains and feed your carcass to the dogs"
Co-worker- Strange blank stare

I have received MRE's and shooting supplies at work over the years so they don't have to sit on the doorstep at home. I guess this asshole noticed.
All of the people I care about , very few, I have tried to wake up to this kind of problem being imminent, none have listened. I probably will be okay as I will eat things few others will. I am confident in my preps but by nature of being a prepper, always feel I should have more.

When the moronic masses get hungry, it'll be on like donkey kong across the US. Hunger is a great motivator.