I have seen a lot of videos from these "peaceful" protest were people are committing acts of vandalism and violence. I have also seen on various live streams where organizers are coaching the local leaders on how they should block roads, target local city counsel members and so forth. I also know the local governments of these liberal cities have chosen to allow these riots to go unchecked while condemning anyone who stands up to the lawlessness. Throughout this the media has spun the story in favor of BLM and antifa and attempted to control the narrative to favor the protestors/rioters and local officials that allow this to happen unchecked.

I understand how feds snatching people from the street could be alarming but these groups have participated in open insurrection and are destroying the city while local government sits on its hands. BLM is a radical socialist/communist organization trying to fundamentally change our country and democrat leadership is ignoring the situation or complicit. If you think this unrest is about anything other revolution, read the BLM mission statement, look at who runs that organization, watch the weekend live streams from these events, and listen to the demands these people are making.

The federal government has a mandate to establish justice and insure domestic tranquility and is legally supported in doing so by the insurrection act of 1807.
This isn't being a "jerk" this is enforcing the law.