This is a prime example of how our elected officials have elevated themselves above the law. The term "representative" no longer applies. The news is full daily of reports of corruption and allegations of wrong doing that would land any of us "common" folks in jail. Our government is no longer OUR government.

I spent Christmas with friends in West Virginia this year, and happened upon a group of guys in the restaurant we ate in that I overheard talking along these lines. A few beers and several hours later I learned I had stumbled into a local militia group. They are calling this the American Awakening and are planning to march in DC on 6 January 2021. Made some good friends and got a great feel for how folks outside of my AO feel about things. West Virginia seems to be a whole state of Trump supporters and all of 'em are pissed off at the crap being served from DC.

My take-away from recent conversations and observations is that Washington may have finally crossed the line. Level headed family men are now talking about taking up arms to set this country back on course, and I am starting to believe we may very well end up in violent confrontation with our government. I'm guessing 6 January will be the tipping point, as even many Biden supporters believe the elections were tampered. If the Electoral vote is certified on 6 January as it stands now I don't think the outcome will be pretty. The common man has finally had enough of the elitist attitude displayed by our elected officials.

Pray for our country!