
Shakes head, strokes chin,... thinks before typing,...

Folks, what I am about to share may or may not get me grief. I am being advised as I type this , not to.

I consider myself a 1%r , 2%r , and 3%r. I think highly of my involvement in the Militia, and since I have aged out, well as narcissistic as it might appear, I think highly of my involvement with the Militia currently. Since 1996 I have grown from a prepper secret squirel , into a militia man , and currently a Sea Dragon (basically an old guy who knows more and has done more than he will ever discuss). In my interaction as Militia and Citizen I have witnessed and experienced numerous times where because of short sightedness , delusion , ignorance , and yes arrogance, The Militia, my militia (not this site but everyone that has stood up and said Here I Am), has made some poor decisions.

There are some on this board who know what I am about to say will seen coldhearted, yet true. They may or may not acknowledge it publicly. That still does not change the fact.

A True Warrior Will Step Aside If Reality Reveals Their Actions Are Harming Their Cause.

A True Warrior Would Rather Perish Than Be The Reason Their Mission Failed.

A True Warrior Seeks Out Imperfection In His Own Reality Acknowledges It And Refines It To Remove It.

Folks, III% r s , have been as an organization , lost for quite some time. There is a Universal Law, The 1 pound weight held 10 feet away unsupported will generate 10 pounds of resistance. Some would call this over reach. It is the foundation of my teaching. Dont try to save a drowning individual if you don't know how to swim. The Militia, and others in my position (aged out and no longer able bodied as I used to be), will continue to be conquered until they acknowledge and correct this desire to over reach .

Tire Iron, some one I have known for over 2 decades, teaches shoot the target closest to you first, keep yourself between the farthest target and the closest one. I remember asking him why. His answer still rings in my mind. The target closest to you has an unobstructed path a direct line. By placing the closest target between you and the farthest, if you miss you might hit the farthest target. If the closest target shoots and misses you then they have gained a miss.

Now before you trolls out there stick your finger in the light socket and straighten your hair. Yes there is a strategy where you shoot the farthest target first. It is also a last resort for those who know they are about to die anyway and whose goal is to create a hole for comrades to escape through. Stay focused.

Admitting ones inadequacies is difficult. It however is a result of Honesty and Awareness. I am disappointed that These Fine Folks got bested. Their cause is just. They are doing the noble thing so another group with similar goals can take their place.

Our task therefore is to examine their actions with the blessing of hindsight, examine the actions of other groups again with the blessings of hindsight. Identify the inadequacies and replace them with something else. We live in the Information age! In not other era of history has humanity had the abilitiy to access any knowledge of anything. Think about that. The answers are out there. Do what you have always done and you will get what you always have gotten.

I wish them well. Thank Them For Their Efforts. Would welcome them into my home. Pick their brains clean.

SeaDragon Rising

Last edited by 2269; 03/02/2021 02:11 PM.

Hebrews 3 Luke 13
Well Regulated And Educated Citizens Will Always Be Free