I’m extremely skeptical that a Governor who deprived his own people of their most basic liberties, with mandates backed by baseless “science” which contradict the actual facts, who has made no effort to inform his people about the actual nature of C19 and relevant political activity, has any interest in effectively defending the sovereignty and prosperity of his people by securing the border against foreign infiltration. I do however wholeheartedly expect Abbott to loudly deploy a border farce, no typo, which will be poorly organized and intentionally ineffective. The future of America’s political elite and oligarchs depends upon divide and conquer, and that largely depends upon an increasingly radicalized and increasingly numerous minority who will fight their culture war as well as their electoral war, and if need be revolutionary war. Abbott is no less interested in illegal immigration than Biden is. Without controversy and friction, the people could unify and set their sights on the actual problem, of which Abbott holds a prominent role.

Liberty and Prosperity, by Right or Might