As I’ve mentioned here recently I have learned how to pressure can. I’ve done two batches of dill carrots (carrots with sprig of dill with beef broth), from my garden, two of chicken noodle soup starter (carrots, celery, onions in chicken broth) as well as 4 quarts (10#) of roast beef, and 5 quarts (12.5#) of pork butt.

Every single jar sealed up as intended and all have been amazing. They make for quick, easy, low energy use, healthy snd cheap meals. To have shelf stable food stores like this is a good prep plan. It is also a great SKILL to practice in the lead up to the impending crash so that I have confidence snd gotten past the “learning curve” associated with these local at arts of the past.

Today I tried canning potatoes. Peeled and chopped up 10# of waxy red potatoes and topped off with boiling water as directed. Everything went as planned.

When I eventually got them out, 5 of the 6 lids had buckled UP. Only one went as it should. A few of these buckled ones have since snapped down. One had list about an inch of liquid from inside it! Just odd. The only difference was that these jars snd lids were “anchor hocking” instead of “ball”... due to the shortage I bought last summer what I could find.

Any wise sage advice?

"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at it�s worst, an intolerable one."
 Thomas Paine (from "Common Sense" 1776)