Several people at Wednesday night church last night (in rural East Texas about 80 miles North of Beaumont) asking for prayer said they had family who need treatment but since they did not have corona virus their doctors said there was no room in the hospital for them. Several others said they had relatives in the hospital with corona virus who had taken both mRNA injections.

Alternative medicine physicians say to prevent getting the corona virus to take every day: 40mg of zinc, one cup of green tea (to get the zinc into the cells to kill the virus), 4,000iu of vitamin D3, 2,000mg of vitamin C, and 1,000mg of Quercetin (which also get s zinc into the cells).

To many sorry doctors out of fear of reprisals or ignorance are following sorry damn Fauci's CDC's protocol's of only treating corona virus after hospitalization.
This is what they should be following instead:

Here is a list of links of physicians/facilities offering early treatment:

If you go here
you could even get the prescription corona virus medicine via tele-medicine. You need a cell phone for the teleconference with the doctor and pay $90 with a credit card. The Rx medications will be phoned in to a drug store for you and are not very expensive.

Last edited by Texas Resistance; 08/12/2021 05:06 PM.

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