Originally Posted by airforce
I don't know what the Chinese think they're going to do in Afghanistan, they seem to have more than enough problems already. And they're enslavement of the Uyghurs might not play all that well with the Taliban.

“A recent study pegged natural resources in the country as worth at least $3 trillion ... Afghanistan possesses rare minerals crucial for industrial manufacturing, including copper, gold, uranium and fossil fuels ... lithium deposits ... Elsewhere, China has taken the lead in exploring its neighboring country’s natural resources. In February, CNBC reported that China’s Metallurgical Group Corporation (MCC) is planning to extract $100 billion worth of copper from Afghanistan. Back in 2007, the company leased land near Kabul for $3 billion. At one point, the Taliban had given the project a green light ... world’s second-largest copper deposit”

Also, Beijing seeks to oppose Washington at every practical opportunity, to hasten the collapse of the American Empire and its world order, to make way for China’s rise.

Regarding the Taliban’s thoughts about the Uyghurs, what happened today is unlikely to have occurred without Beijing’s assistance. Afghanistan was a proxy war, and Taliban have been fed intelligence, analysis, training, strategy and supplies from PRC/SCO that enabled Taliban’s victory. The Taliban are unlikely to question the wisdom of their masters in Beijing.

Liberty and Prosperity, by Right or Might