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Those “migrants” are certainly aggressive. What we observe looks a great deal more like an assault than migration. One can understand why the people and government of Poland would be strongly opposed to allowing refugees into their land who have attacked the Polish border, and therefore Poland itself. Any reasonable person can see that these are in fact not migrants, but combatants. As they’re attacking Poland, it would be very fair for Poland to retaliate in kind. Germany once invaded Poland after Poles allegedly conducted a small cross-border raid against Germany. The ongoing assault against the Polish border by enemy combatants acting as proxies of Belarus is clear. If Poland were to go onto the offensive and enter Belarusian territory to neutralize the threat there, I would find this entirely justified.

“Belarus’ oil pipeline operator has temporarily restricted oil flows to Poland for unscheduled maintenance, Warsaw said Wednesday”

Yet another Belarusian attack against Poland. Poland would be justified in retaliation in this instance as well. Of course, the specter of world war looms for any NATO member directly attacking a CIS member.

Liberty and Prosperity, by Right or Might