The more that government fails to protect the people’s interests, the more the people act to protect their interests directly. The more the people invest time and resources into direct security, the nearer we become to societal collapse and therefore anarchy.

I would prefer anarchy over the present order anyway. Though, I’m skeptical that our betters would mismanage things so badly as to produce such a circumstance. I expect our dear leaders may however bring us to the brink of breakdown, just to pull society back at the last moment, as recently seen with the 2020 C19/Riots/Election operation resulting in a cultural revolution and leftwing coup. That was a high-risk campaign which could have lead to civil war and collapse of the present order. Now emboldened, it’s far from inconceivable that the traitor may roll such dice again, and next time fail.

Liberty and Prosperity, by Right or Might