Originally Posted by airforce
Originally Posted by Navarro
...The nearer we become to societal collapse and therefore anarchy....

I would prefer anarchy over the present order anyway....

A societal collapse like we're seeing now brings chaos, not anarchy. The two are very different. Anarchy brings order, and natural law. The chaos we see now is a direct result of government actions.

Onward and upward,

I would argue that chaos is an incremental step between order and anarchy. You have order when the state effectively and consistently enforces its laws. You have chaos when the state fails to effectively and consistently enforce its laws. You have anarchy when the state fails to enforce its laws to any meaningful degree.

Certain regions of America are and have been in a chaotic state. The fact of the chaos is obvious for any to see, but normalcy bias, propaganda and censorship has blinded most to the full implications of the situation. It’s a simple matter to maintain order when enforcement of the law is both effective and consistent, but it’s very difficult to regain that previous stability once a population has experienced a feckless state, therefore recognizing the illusion of authority.

The longer these regions allow chaos, and the more severe that chaos becomes, the nearer we come to the opening of Pandora’s Box. Should the people ever perceive the threat of government goons to be lesser than that of street thugs, the government will cease to be relevant, and we will have anarchy, until new strongmen establish order under their own flags.

Liberty and Prosperity, by Right or Might