No one ever plans on a civil war years in advance. Things just have a way of falling into place, and suddenly it's there.

Look at our own civil war. Both John Brown, who conducted the raid on Harper's Ferry, and Lysander Spooner who supported him, were adamantly opposed to a civil war. Both wanted a slave revolt or, better yet, for slave owners to be so terrified of a slave revolt that they themselves would free them. Yet their actions were simply one in a long string that inevitably led to the war.

What disparate incidents could lead to a modern civil war? Well, a year ago, the left was so terrified by a bunch of trespassers that they're still going bonkers over these "insurrectionists" and "traitors." Clearly, a civil war or a societal collapse doesn't seem so unlikely to them. They were so afraid of some nutso with horns that they threatened him with twenty years in prison. So yes, the Left is afraid. And you saw what they did to Kyle Rittenhouse.

Right now, most of the "battles" are Antifa and the Proud Boys trading insults and trying to goad each other into throwing the first punch, pretty much schoolyard stuff. What could incite a real war or insurrection? Or a societal collapse? I don't know, my ESP was never that good. But history tells us it's certainly possible. And it appears to be getting more likely every day.

Onward and upward,