They have been doing this training operation for years. To be honest this has been one story that has been blown out of proportion to what the "danger" it presents to the citizenry if the coming civil war if it does happen. I would argue that that yes, this operation would help them in fighting guerilla war fighters which is what you would see the militias mostly conducting, but the resources to actually make a dent in the militias that would form would extend resources too thin to stop them. Not only that, but I personally don't think that most milita groups that do form if a civil war happens will be a unified front. Taking out one militia would not subvert the others efforts, but most likely strengthen them as remaining fighters not captured or killed would join them or form a new. Bringing more assets and resources to other militia groups perhaps. I would not worry about this operation but train and gather food, water, ammo and weapons like everyone should be doing already.

Rights matter more than lives. The Sacrificed will never die in vein.