Just since I made my last post I have been asked for help from three different neighbors .

One was from a disabled Vet (Navy) who we traded a new flock of chickens for three of our young goats last year and now need advice on their forth coming baby goats.
Number two needed some duck and goose eggs for baking traditional Polish breads and pastries for Easter so we worked out a swap , with more trades in the future.
Number three (a nurse who is a new Prepper ) stopped by today to ask about how we built our small metal quonset huts that we use for our duck and goose coops , then told me that she was getting some chickens , milk goats and two mini donkeys after seeing what we have done and needed A LOT of advice.

WE, can play a very important part within our AO and in the coming hard times ahead if we are willing to work with others in different rolls from what we once had in mind for ourselves .

My Daddy is like duct tape, he can fix almost anything.

A quote from my youngest daughter at 4yrs old, many years ago.