In spite of initial assumptions…. The longer this goes on the weaker the invading army gets, and stronger the defending army gets. The Russian forces are loosing their best “professional” (by their standards) units only to replace them by totally untrained conscripts. On the other side, the green Ukrainian (largely volunteer) soldiers are getting real combat experience and becoming battle hardened. They are being reinforced by units fresh from training in NATO countries where they learned how to effectively use the new high tech precision hardware they are being given by supporting nations. The Russian soldiers will to carry on this fight dwindles as they realize the false reasons for the war and face the demoralizing psychological effects of the crimes they have seen been parts of. The Ukrainian forces are becoming more resolute in their determination to NEVER give up till their land and it’s people are free.

With both forces having their momentum going in opposing directions (experienced soldiers, equipment/supplies, morale, public support)… it is NO wonder. The longer the Russians avoid the inevitable, the harsher their reality will become, both in the field and on the home front.

Slava Ukraine!

"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at it�s worst, an intolerable one."
 Thomas Paine (from "Common Sense" 1776)