Don't believe the controlled major news media. Helping Russia decouple from the world economy is doing them a favor. The price they can get for their natural gas and the value of their ruble has greatly increased from the sanctions. Their energy resources will always increase in value unless cold fusion really works and can be developed which I highly doubt.

All nations including the US needs to decouple from the world economy. The world economy will lead to the UN One World Beast Government predicted in Revelation.

Screw the Russian Commie Rats and screw the Ukrainian Nazis we need to stay out of it. Let them fight it out. We need to quit arming Ukraine with deficit spending. Instead the US should spend money on a totally secure border, advanced weapon development, manufacturing ability, and arming up with weapons technology the is more advanced than the Russians.

Europe should have never gotten dependent on Russia or any other country for natural gas or any other source of energy. The US needs to leave the rest of the world alone so we will have manufacturing ability and not be dependent on any country. USA First and forget about the rest of the world.

The US saved Europe in WWI and WWII becasue of our manufacturing ability which is now gone because of the traitors who started having goods manufactured by the Chi-Coms and destroyed our manufacturing ability. Damn Richard Nixon and his traitorous trip to the Chi-Coms in 1972 while the Chi-Coms were supporting the Vietnamese Commie Rat Gooks we were fighting in Vietnam.

Biden, the Democrats, and the globalists are trying to start WWIII with the Russians so they will not lose in the November elections.

www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper