Russia has begun sending the new T-14 armored tank to Ukraine. No one is impressed. The auto loader is somehow slower than the tank it is supposed to replace, the armor will almost protect it from 90's missiles, and the Abrams can fire twice in the time it takes the T-14 to fire once. Here's an overview:

...“The T14 combines all the ultimate Russian technology previously introduced onto NATO tanks 25 years ago in a way that only a country trying to inflate the share prices of Raytheon would understand.” (Raytheon makes Javelin.)

“It does away with all the unnecessary ERA systems of the T90, which cannot protect the tank against missiles that were invented in the 80s, and instead replaces them with an active protection system that can almost defend the tank against missiles that were invented in the 90s.”

“An auto loader famous for jamming that now cannot be accessed and cleared when it does jam, is somehow heavier and slower than the tank it has replaced, and comes combined together in a package so expensive the company that made it immediately went bankrupt. The country that bought it cannot afford it and it has about as much export potential as English whiskey.”

“For a while, every idiot with even the vaguest sense of military interest was banging on about this tank as if Stalin had come back to life and had personally forged the hull from his own ball sack. And that all tanks across every nation in the world had just been rendered obsolete.”

Sections on repeated post-Soviet tank design failures, like the T-95 and Black Knight, and coverage of Russian brain drain, omitted.

The weird, Tiger-2 derived engine is unreliable.

The driver’s vision sucks.

No crew access to the turret internally.

The autoloader is slower than the manual fire rates on T-80s, T-72s and Abrams.

“The qualifying time for [an Abrams] loader to pass training is seven seconds, and the best crews claim they can reload in about four to five seconds. Meaning a good Abrams can fire twice before the T-14 has reloaded.”

“Ukrainian hackers found that most of the electronic systems on board, including the digital sights, the night vision, the infrared, were all in fact western imports. Most notably, these were last generation French optics from Leclerc MBTs left over from when they were all upgraded to ICONE in 2009.”

Current Russian tank optics are actually available to the general public. “They’re not even the best that are currently available. If you’ve got a spare five grand, you can go into any high-end spy gadget store and buy a drone that will give you better night vision and IR tracking capabilities than the latest generation of modern Russian tanks.”

China reportedly found out that none of the tank’s systems actually worked. “The soft kill defense systems were simply smoke screens, and the hard kill systems designed specifically to stop the Javelin and the TOW missile could not detect if either of these systems had been fired at the tank, and relied entirely on the crew being able to notice a missile traveling at the speed of sound flying towards them.”

“To top it off, there was no evidence of the supposed electronic warfare systems that could render guided missiles and mines inert.”

“Nothing in the Armata is new.”

The idea that western tanks need to catch up to the Armata is laughable. “By the time the Armata enters service, it will already be outdated.”

“Everything the Armata is has been done before, and in many cases has been done better.”

“Russia is not an equal to the United States and NATO, it’s an equal to North Korea, both technologically backwards nations.” ...

Read the whole thing at the link.

Onward and upward,