Is Christopher Wray covering up for the Biden family? Or is he doing it for the FBI itself?

FBI Director Christopher Wray is the King of Cover-ups. He continues to stonewall investigators from the Congressional Oversight Committee, treating their subpoenas like the paper you’d put down for your dog. But the question of motive keeps coming up.

Why is Wray hiding information from congressional investigators? To a carpenter, everything looks like a nail, and to Washington, everything looks like politics. But is it?

What if Wray’s coverup isn’t based on politics? Really, is he so enamored with Shades Biden and the rat’s nest of dummy corporations his family members have set up? What is in it for him? What is in it for the FBI? What’s the motive for ignoring the pipeline of cash flowing in from foreign actors in sketchy countries to a troth for grifters?

Is it to see justice done with a slow and thorough investigation? That boat sailed when the FBI tried to deep-six Hunter Biden’s laptop before the last election. When the FBI ignored that flashing neon sign, “Possible Crime Scene — Open for Business — Dial Here For Dollars,” all its credibility went down the sewer. So why are they doing this?

Wray certainly has the means to cover things up, and hats off to the FBI. They have been doing a manful job of hiding evidence from Congress. But what is the motive?

Despite the best efforts of the FBI to protect him, a case can be made that Hunter Biden wants to get caught. Confession is good for the soul, and how many crimes are solved because people tell others they did it? The reveal may be direct or indirect. Hunter Biden’s strange self-sabotage is there for all to see. Some people spend their lives dragging others down into their personal chaos. How many accidentally on-purpose mistakes can one man make? How many people has Hunter Biden entangled with himself in his slides into and out of trouble?

One that jumps out from the laptop is the strange case of former FBI Director Louis Freeh. One of the most bizarre aspects of this case is that we read on Hunter Biden’s laptop that the former top cop in the country made it a policy to give a $100,000 gift to two of President Biden’s grandchildren’s trust funds. Maybe you’ve been known to slip a few bucks to a friend or family member or have been on the receiving end. As in the famous Humphrey Bogart line translated by Bugs Bunny from The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, “Pardon me, but could you help out a fellow American who is down on his luck?”

But what kind of hard luck story would inspire the former head of the FBI to slip $100K to the grandchildren of a multimillionaire like Joe Biden? Are current or former FBI folks in the habit of adopting members of Shades Biden’s family and showering them with money? Is Louis Freeh alone among FBI alums or active employees in these kinds of strange financial transactions with people in high places?

Historians argue whether the 1960 presidential election was stolen from Richard Nixon. One area where theft seems to have occurred was Cook County, Ill., where the Daley machine helped carry the state by 9,000 votes for Kennedy. But the real focus of the vote theft seems to have been Republican Cook County State’s Attorney Benjamin Adamowski. A former Democrat, Adamowski was hitting the Daley machine hard. In its desperation to avoid subpoenas and arrests, the Democrat machine seems to have rigged the vote. The state may have been flipped to Kennedy not because of national politics but because of a corruption cover-up in city agencies.

Could it be that the FBI is not covering up for political players in the executive branch? Could it be that Christopher Wray is more concerned about not exposing the FBI’s own dirty laundry to public scrutiny? How many other former or active FBI officials are branches on that great Banyan money tree scheme that are the Biden family’s trust funds and LLCs? Not all grifters are politicians. Is it possible the proximity of current or former FBI people, perhaps someone’s great-great-grand nephew twice removed, has triggered this blue wall of silence?

Is Christopher Wray’s FBI covering up for the Biden family or for itself? Who benefits from the stone wall Wray is constructing around the FBI’s secret files? The only way to clear the air is to let sunlight in. Taxpayers have a right to know what is going on inside a federal agency they are paying for. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy needs to start playing hardball with the FBI to get these subpoenas complied with — now!

Onward and upward,