How should we fix the FBI? Burn it down.

This has not been a banner week for the FBI.

The Durham Report was, well, not great for the bureau. Yes, I still want heads.

It was, of course, just the latest in a long stream of events that should rattle any faith anyone has in our institutions.

It isn’t getting any better, either.

You see, it seems that the FBI wasn’t content to just screw over the American people. They also wanted to screw over their own who dared step out of line to do what they thought was right.

From TheBlaze:

An interim staff report released Thursday morning by the House Judiciary Committee and Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government accused the Federal Bureau of Investigation of "retaliatory conduct" against whistleblowers who exposed the bureau's "politicized rot."

The committee's report, obtained by Fox News Digital, revealed that the FBI suspended and revoked the security clearances of employees who spoke out about the agency's "abuse and misconduct."

Several current and former FBI employees provided testimony to the committee.

"Some of these employees—Special Agents Garret O'Boyle and Stephen Friend, Supervisory Intelligence Analyst George Hill, and Staff Operations Specialist Marcus Allen—have chosen to speak on the record about their experiences," the report stated. "The disclosures from these FBI employees highlight egregious abuse, misallocation of law-enforcement resources, and misconduct with the leadership ranks of the FBI."

In other words, they spoke up and were punished for their efforts.

It would be one thing if they were accused of releasing classified information or something. That would make perfect sense. The fact that they weren’t arrested, though, suggests it was nothing like that.

What it looks like happened is that these people stepped up and said what was going on was wrong and the FBI decided to slap them back in line.

That tells us that they knew they were in the wrong and decided to continue anyway.

At this point, it’s obvious that the FBI needs to be burned to the ground with the earth salted afterward.

I’m sure there are good people in the bureau. I know there are. I’ve met more than a few through the years.

Yet the leadership is thoroughly disgraced and they’ve been in a position where it’s impossible to know who has been suborned and who hasn’t. As such, about the only people you can trust to remain are the janitors.


I am well and truly disgusted with what has happened. I’m angry like I’ve never been angry before about something ostensibly political.

While I never fully trusted my government, I tended to believe that, in the long run, what was right would win out.

It would, too, were the playing field remotely even. It’s not, and when these folks raised concerns, rather than back off, the FBI sought to punish them.

There can be no amnesty for this. There can be no redemption. These…individuals have gone beyond anything approaching reasonable and, what’s more, they knew it.

Burn. It. Down.

Onward and upward,