We have a new forum, "Survival and Preparedness"???
and I get to make the first thread, too?


I've always found it kinda funny... Lots of "Survivalists" aren't Militia minded, although most (not all) Milita type folks started as Survivalists.

The Survivalists I know seem to be more worried about thier hidey-holes, then helping to repel a gang of looters in thier town. Many do seem to be aware that they may be needed in a Militia role, but seem to want to avoid that like the plaque.

Comments? Thoughts? Is this the mindset around your state, wherever you are?


"Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently" - Henry Ford

"This is a revolution, damn it. We've got to offend somebody." - John Adams

"He who dares not offend cannot be honest." - Thomas Paine