Good posts.

I've seen a few of the observations here... guys who are prepared with plenty of gear-n-guns, but would starve or dehydrate if forced to "bug in" for a couple of weeks. Others who will basically reduce themselves to "mzb" status by "liberating stuff for the cause".

Deciding to increase one's preparedness from either a survivalist or milita standpoint is a big commitment with many similarities. Much of what I get of the difference seems to be mobile vs. stationary mindsets... live in one spot "bug in" or go chase bad guys, which usually involves "bug out" in some form.

How does one reconcile "survivalism" (in regards to one's family/friends) with "militia" (mobility and warfare) when one principle can compromise the other? I can see in my mind how both are needed at times, but the objectives can be quite different, yes?

"Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently" - Henry Ford

"This is a revolution, damn it. We've got to offend somebody." - John Adams

"He who dares not offend cannot be honest." - Thomas Paine