This is a point that I have been trying to get across for a while now.... and I am thrilled to see the thoughts that ya'll have posted on it.

I have seen too many posts that militiamen dog out the survivalists and lonewolves, and in turn, the survivalists doggin' out the militia. The in-fighting is self-defeating. We need each other...

I believe it's easier to transition from survivalist to militia than vice-versa. I was (and still am) a survivalist since the 70's. It wasn't that I didn't see a use for the militia, it's just that through the 70's and 80's, the militias that I checked out were KKK types, Neo-Nazi's, or were just there to play war (those that thought they'd kick butt and everything would be dandy). When I found that the militia was leaning in the non-hateful, legal as feasible, and professional warriors were taking the lead finally, I threw my hat into the militia.

Guys like ya'll are what is going to make the militia into what it was meant to be.... again. And you will attract the right type of Patriots that have been waiting for this type of militia.

As a survivalist, I had everything and more that is on the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd line gear list.... so the transition to militia was nothing more than a mind set. But I see too many militia have their guns and ammo, but lack what will keep them alive and healthy enough to fight when the time comes.

We can't depend on "finding" food and meds when we need it. How many of you have seed stocks to plant, and the books that cover growing and gardening? How many of you have water filtration systems? How many have a book that covers the natural plants in your AO.... which ones are harmful.... which ones heal or are edible? Have you thought of adding a recurve bow to your kit, so you can take game quietly? Have you stashed enough salt, which has so many uses it's silly not to have a very large quanity on hand. Do you even have a clue how to "process" the game you take? Do you know how to treat and prep the hides for later use? We all must be survivalists as well as militiamen. This will give us a huge advantage over any force that wants to take us on.

I have noticed that the main difference between the militia and survivalists are their thoughts on family. The survivalists families are always foremost in their planning. The militiamen tend to think about putting together that large force to go kick butt, and family is seldom brought up.
The whole point of "reclaiming the Republic" is for our families! While you are off fighting as an army a state away... who is watching out for your family? Are they safe? Are they alive? Are they being tortured and raped while you are protecting a piece of ground 500 miles away? You must prepare for your families survival and protection as well.

A Hunter/Survivlaist/Militiaman/Guerilla is going to be one tough fighter to beat. I pity those that only have their gun and bullets and think they will be successful going toe to toe with their enemy.

Ned, Dick.... good to "see" ya'll again, I'm lookin' forward to the Creek Meet in October!
Say "Hey" to Sharpstick and Kaintuck for me!

If you aren't prepared, you can't survive.
If you can't survive, you can't fight.