Grasssnake- here's a couple more to get you started.

TO all- I strongly reccomend the BHM whole shebang offer It's 10 yrs of paperback anthologies & about a dozen CD ROMs.
Get everyone in your group to pony up the 20% - 10% of the cost. Damned good investment, lots of information on homesteading, (think safe place to stash away your families under the care & protection of the older, less mobile IE Grampa & Uncle Bob)

Much of this can be adapted to our use, like stealth gardening, Preparing potential AOs by planting seed potatoes, encouraging cat tails & other native edible plants to grow more profusely in addition to caching almost ready to eat food & equipment. Think about alfalfa patches & corn to keep the deer & bunnies fat & happy in your area.

Work with & respect the homesteaders / survivalists in or near your AO. They may be able to offer haven to your wounded during convelesence. They may be good sources of intelligence. Most will not be able to withstand an attack by a large force. If you've had positive dealings with them then you should be willing to offer assistance in driving off looters.
Don't crowd them or bring the fight to their door if you can help it. Many will have limited alternative power sources, Exchange rechargable batteries with them. Some will have tools & workshops that can repair your broken gear.