Originally posted by Texas Resistance:
It is much better to be almost starving and freezing to death and be free than to be locked up in a prison for the rest of your life. I don't think that Rudolph would have ever surrendered.
From HuntingWolf's post:

"I think about running, about the headache of hiding, the many nights rooting through garbage, the 10 degrees below zero days when I sit in my tent all day and shiver; and I decide that I don't care. It was meant to happen. I'm sick of hiding from these worms. I'm not afraid to die. And so this is how I came to this place a year ago."

This goes along with what I have pondered many times when I think about trying to survive, on the run, for who knows how long.

No, I don't want to rot in a jail or be a slave to the NWO, but how long would you go before you decided to take them on and take a few with you as you go??


"Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of it. The history of liberty is a history of resistance." Woodrow Wilson