14 years ago, l traveled from Central Kaliforncationa to Washington state then on to Texas by frieght trains. l quickly learned that it was a dirt cheap (free) way one could go great distances completely under the radar screen.

Today, with facial recognition software coupled with cameras in so many public places & state data bases being interlinked, one would need to accuire false papers that would stand up to a moderate level of scrutiny, diguise themselves well,(facial hair & sunglasses as a bare minimum)
Better yet is to avoid cities like the plague

I had a friend that had set up quite a few camps on the left coast from south of Big Sur to northern Oregon. Most were simple affairs. A leanto from big slabs of tree bark, #10 coffee cans of assorted beans, rice etc stashed nearby.
He collected fresh road kill for the hides, gathered herbs, made craft items to sell / trade with the hippy types.

I beleive choosing an environment compatable to your skill level is key. As your knowledge & experience increases you could go deeper underground. Ultimately you MAY simply outlast the reason for going into hiding. IE regime change, statute of limitations, change of statutes that decriminalize your actions.