In regards to the question," how much evil does an enemy have to do in order to get the militia stirred into action", let us remember that our forefathers took up arms against the Brittish because of a tax increase on TEA. Fast forward to 2005 and you will see that we the people have allowed our government to tax our wages witch is unconstitutional. Incrimentally take away our rights, and we do what? NOTHING. We are SHEEP and we do what we are told to do by BIG BROTHER with the understanding that it is for our own good. Our forefathers would roll over in there graves if they saw how we the people have trashed the LIBERTY and FREEDOM they fought and died for. Five percent of the colonists had the BALLS to take a stand against the oppresive English King. The rest of the colonists had to choose sides and the rest is history. WE ARE SHEEP and we will continue to be led by the nose until a few stand firm and say, I'm not going to take it any more.