Fighting spirit , Great points, Essentially we're the proverbial frog in the stew pot. As long they turn up the heat slowly, tighten the leash gently, we continue to adapt to and accept our lessened condition. A month ago We all would've beat our chests and proclaimed loudly that "My home is my castle & ain't burrorat from the gubament gonna tell me difrunt!" Well gentlemen nine shyster ambulance chasers in robes just said that we can only use "our" property until someone else is willing to bribe a clerk. The 5th ammendment is a no more than a fig leaf today. City by city, state by state, Caliber by caliber, nomiclature by nomiclature We lose "our right" to keep and bear arms. Sure the AWB sun sat for many of us, It was a joke to begin with as it was just a beauty contest based on ugly cosmetics rather than true function. Many locations had laws to keep in effect. The 2nd ammendment has been toothless since the 1930s. The 9th & 10th? ROFL! They died at least 140 years ago. The pott is boiling over and we don't even feel the heat