Might I also suggest that you plan to be able to provide plenty of WATER.
Food is necessary but water is essential.
You can only carry so much with you so you will need to go someplace where there is potable water available or have a water filter.
Someplace out of the city with a well is a good destination but make sure there is a way to get the water out of the ground without power.

Another thing to consider is EMP.
If you can see the mushroom you will probably be walking unless you have an old car will a coil ignition.

Make sure that where you are going is upwind of the prevailing wind patterns if you don't want to be in the fallout pattern.

If anyone is interested I think I can still find the link on how to make a PVC well pump or a well bucket to get water out of 4" well.

I still remember my brother's response when I asked him what he and his wife would do if we were attack by nuclear weapons. He said he planned to get out the lawn chairs and open a bottle of wine then sit back and let things happen. So much for survival instincts.

Do you have your lawn chairs ready?

Be Prepared
Vic +

Blessed be the Lord my Rock,
Who trains my hands for war,
And my fingers for battle-
(Psalm 144:1)
Lord, give extra attention to my trigger finger. Amen