Fall is here, winter will be setting in. This is the scenario: Nukes go off in several American cities. There in no power and no gasoline. Food shipments have stopped. No cell phone, no lanline phone, limited communications. Enemy forces possibly invading. Complete civil disorder, sheeple want what you have.

Can you make it through the winter? Do you have enough food for all family and friends that you expect to stay with you? Do you have enough fire wood or propane? Water source? Can you purify it? How about winter clothing and bedding for every family member? Guns and ammo. Do you have the means to hunt and defend yourselves from the masses of sheeple?

The reason I posted this is because I ask myself this question all the time. I have enough stored food and water for at least 3 months. This is for a family of 6. I plan on hunting to help supplement that. I definitley could use more
food. Enough fire wood for most of the winter. Two gas cans full for chainsaw if I should need more. Extra winter clothing of all sizes for the family. Sleeping bags for all. Bow for hunting and rifles and handguns for defense. Plenty of ammo, too. And of course all my military gear if I need to go into action.

Any majors things I've overlooked? Does everyone else have these preps in order? Winters coming and things are looking bad, pray and prepare.

Only the dead have seen the end of war -Plato