Originally posted by soldier11B:
Fall is here, winter will be setting in. This is the scenario: Nukes go off in several American cities. There in no power and no gasoline. Food shipments have stopped. No cell phone, no lanline phone, limited communications. Enemy forces possibly invading. Complete civil disorder, sheeple want what you have.
Create your own power w/a generator, make your own fuel by distilling denatured alcohol... ( http://running_on_alcohol.tripod.com/ ), you do need to pick a generator that is convertable to run on alcohol fuels.

A one year supply of emergency rations will see you through to the next spring & harvest seasons. Then making sure that you have a good supply of planting seeds will keep you alive for the further times after that, suplimented with hunting and foraging and you and your's should do well. This needs to be researched, learned, and practiced now, before it means your life or death.

Using short wave radios and other types on radios w/rechargeable batts can help compensate for your comms needs, it's a good idea to equip your vehicle(s) with the same types of radios to help remain more moble, if need be.

Without being well armed, stocked with ammo, and trained to fight, can make you and your's just another type of "shopping store" for anyone that IS armed to take what you have stockpiled.

Hand tools like knives, shovels, axes, hammers, hatchets, saws, rope, wire, tarps and sheeting, flex-tubing & hard-pipe, chisels, etc, etc, can get you through nearly anything a hard winter can through at you and your's by making or making do with what can be found or thought of to fill most of your survival needs.

Don't forget maps, compasses, and seaching-out safer locations for you and your's to possibly relocate to if the area you are in now becomes unworkable or unsecureable. Also, meeting place that can be pre-selected if everyone isn't together when something comes down if everyone has to move/relocate. Medical and First Aid supplies are a must too.

Stashes and cashes in relating areas also is a good idea, if for no other reasons than "Just in Case".



"Argue for your limitations, and in the end, when all is said and done, they're your's!"

"Sheeple & Shepherds, pick one! You can't be both no matter how you dress."

The higher ya go... the higher ya can get! Mountain Men Rock!