OK your going to be in an area for 2 or more days.First bulid shelter,gather wood for the night,worry about more wood later,if weather and conditions permite.Once that is done,while you were gathering materials for shelter and wood for the night.You were keeping an eye out for any ,and all game trails.Apone locating trails start setting snares-trip and dead fall traps.Also dont for get to set out trout lines,ie long piece of rope-string-wire,with a bunch of leader lines atached to it.Don't forget to anchor one end of the line to something sturdy,ie tree.Place these in any lake river stream pond etc.If you think you will have better luck with trout line, do it first.Object start looking for food as soon as possible.One other thing after snares and trout line is set up,start looking for edible plants,and anything else that will make your experiance easier.If still have light left start gathering more fire wood.
