When it comes to building a fire,build a dakota hole,fire pit,and use dry barkless wood when ever possible,reduces smoke to nothing,all that you will notice is the smell of fire.Remember build to size needed.Basicaly a dakota hole is nothing more than 2 holes,5-8 inches in diameter,spaced about a foot apart,at a deapth of 12-14 inches deep,and connected at the bottom.It's a little tricky to get fire started,but once started it will stay going,just drop pieces of wood into fire,when needed.A little trick,use small piece of cotton-vaseoline,piece of candle,military fire starter bar,etc,than once lit,drop into hole,than slowly start adding more fuel.Works great within a bliss,if just building fire,not staying put,build dakota hole under any big tree with lots of branches,when possible,this will help disapate any smoke or condincation,from fire
