I had assumed that you could can meat, seeing as how they have things like spam, chunky soups, and corned beef on the shelves at the supermarkets. MMM corned beef and hash.
For the purpose of this post I was referring to storing foods to pack out with me when TSHTF. I rent and ain't staying here in the flood lands. I'll be waiving with one hand, and flippin em off with the other!
We're looking at about a 50+ mile pilgrimage to the mountains... and I was wondering what to take with me, until I can get the crops planted, root cellar built, and game hunted.
Not to mention that we're also heading up to plant brambles, and other self sustaining food producing crops before TSHTF.
I have a HUGE ice chest and a bunch of distilled water in jugs frozen solid. That's to pack out the half a side of beef in our freezer, and all the dairy and fresh fruit we can muster. We'll feast like kings until the jugs defrost, then we'll be drying and jerking... and maybe crying smile
Currently I think I have 2 totes full, and we're working on a couple more, and some organization and rotation.
The swamp cooler thing won't work, and our windows might not have glass... We're gonna be in the woods, not on the outskirts. Back to colonial life.
We'll also be bringing a tote full of books some of which will be food storage and native american methods...
so what foods should I have in my totes?