I have--and things would have to be pretty desperate before I do it again. But, that's just me. A lot of other folks have had quite a bit of success with them.

Above all, don't try to crowd your chickens. Big chicken processors will allot two square feet of coop space per chicken, but you will be far better off by allowing six or eight square feet per chicken. There will certainly be a higher initial cost, but maintaining cleanliness and keeping the birds healthy will be a lot easier.

If you have a dog, don't feed the dog chicken. He will soon see your chickens as his--at your expense. then, you will have a tough choice; get rid of a family pet, or get rid of the chickens.

And, ask yourself if you really have the temperament for this enterprise. No one enjoys butchering chickens, but those who put off this task soon have a flock that increasingly becomes large, unhealthy, and unmanageable.

Hope this helps.

Onward and upward,