I live in TN (east) at the moment. Even though funds have been hard to find I have tried to be prepared for disasters (man or nature). The one thing I have just started investigating is water. Anyone around east TN knows that there has been a drought but thanks be it is raining today. My local water company has asked us to conserve water and now has told us to boil water. Of couse water is the one thing I do not have a large store of. I believe this points to an interesting problem that many survivalist will want to think about. As "civilization" grows and towns grow larger and people live on thanks to modern medicine the resources we consume grow smaller. I am not a doomsday prophet but I can read. If we continue to grow in the method we are will my children or grandchildren have food? Will the water supply be enough to supply drinking and other needs? I think these are basic questions that should be asked when laying up our stores.