Originally posted by virginiaJim:
But how does a Prius Hybrd work? It has an electric motor that runs off batts that are charged when the gas motor is running. How is this saving the system any fuel? Would it not take more gas to power the car then?
A gasoline engine running a generator that powers electric motors is a concept that has been around for a long time. At first you would think that it would be more wasteful than a purely mechanical setup. I mean, why convert the mechanical power from the engine to electricity and then back to mechanical power? Seems like the conversion to electricity is an unneeded and wasteful step. But in reality this "hybrid" approach can actually be more efficient. Why? Lots of reasons. For one thing, there's no mechanical drive train. (Mechanical drive trains are heavy and inefficient.) Secondly, the engine can run at a constant RPM as long as you use batteries or a solid state power controller. (A constant RPM engine can run much more efficiently than a variable-RPM engine.) There are other reasons which I won't get into.

Originally posted by virginiaJim:
The addition of HHO to a cars system should produce the same effect as the electric motor does if you maintain a small set amount of power from your batt to perform the electrolsis. As long as the HHO output can produce a little more power than the offset of the fuel used to produce the 12volts at 9 to amps then you have a gain. Thats the trick right? The gole is to offset the amount of fuel you use to power the motor with another source of fuel that you can produce within a system. Just like what the other Hybrds do by design.
It takes energy to separate the hydrogen and oxygen. The problem is that the amount of energy required for separation is always more than any energy you might get from burning the hydrogen. ALWAYS. It is theoretically and practically IMPOSSIBLE to get more energy from the burning of the hydrogen vs. the amount of energy required for separation. And when I say "IMPOSSIBLE," I mean IMPOSSIBLE. It's not like we will one day figure out how to do it using "advanced technology" or whatever. It is IMPOSSIBLE. I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E.

Suffice to say, the HHO device is pure, 100%, Grade A snake oil. If you're dumb enough to buy one of these things, I have a timeshare I'd like to sell you.