Originally posted by Ohio Patriot:
It takes energy to separate the hydrogen and oxygen. The problem is that the amount of energy required for separation is always more than any energy you might get from burning the hydrogen. ALWAYS. It is theoretically and practically IMPOSSIBLE to get more energy from the burning of the hydrogen vs. the amount of energy required for separation. And when I say "IMPOSSIBLE," I mean [b]IMPOSSIBLE. It's not like we will one day figure out how to do it using "advanced technology" or whatever. It is IMPOSSIBLE. I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E.

Suffice to say, the HHO device is pure, 100%, Grade A snake oil. If you're dumb enough to buy one of these things, I have a timeshare I'd like to sell you. [/b]
My whole life I have listened to people like you who tell me it can't be done, but I refuse to listen to you.

You alluded to the Prius, but you quite obviously neglected to account for the Prius' and Segway's most noteworthy common feature:

Regenerative braking systems which are limited only by imaginative theory and physical principles.

Can you picture forced air generators and super-caps supplying amperage to separate HHO sufficient to boost octane for the 0-30 zone in our internal combustion vehicle?

This is a transitional technology which can and WILL work, and we need to start supporting more of these "impossible" ideas if we are going to survive and thrive during this "economic adjustment" phase in which we now live.

Our ultimate goal is off-grid, fully electric vehicles, but we need to convert our SUVs and trucks first...if you can imagine that.

I would gladly lay aside the use of arms and settle matters by negotiation, but unless the whole will, the matter ends, and I take up my battle rifle, and thank God that He has put it within my grasp.

Audit Fort Knox!