Watch the video "who killed the electric car". Electric vehicles are not inefficient for every day use (to and from work). If we charge the batteries from the outlets at home and work, and those places used wind and other renewable power sources, our system would be such more efficient... not perfect, but more sustainable. Take into account that you could carry multiple batteries with you to increase the mileage (with a smaller battery- like carrying a gas can to get to a station). I believe that video says the technology in the early 90s was 60 miles per 3 hour battery charge, and now it was up to 300 miles/battery?.
Also watch the Modern Marvels on Batteries;
"2008 Tesla Roadster 100% electric vehicle"-
0-60 in 4 seconds, top speed of 130 mph, 0 emissions, 200 mile range, quiet, $100,000, made in silicon valley to compete with fuel powered vehicles. 3.5hrs to recharge it when completely dead. Costs roughly 2-3$ to fill it (at time of filming) which came out to a 200 mpg equivalent.

The technologies do exist, there are things that we still do not yet understand which are within the realms of the laws of thermodynamics. Tesla was waaaaaaay ahead of his time.