Originally posted by skyvalleysquirrel50:
I have a problem with a child telling us how rough it is in the real world. Once you get out here THEN you have an opinion worth listening too. This is all I will say on the matter.
I don't think I ever sad how rough it is in the real world.... I just pointed out a few things I saw that may have contributed to the situation, and some ways we can save money to avoid such a situation.

I recall ever saying the world was tough, or the world was easy. I just stated a few ways it could be made easier.

You are not forced to believe what I say. You know what? I won't even make you read it. You just look at the screen name, and if it says "Colt" just skip right on over it. No one is forcing you to read what I type here, or forcing you to think it is good idea... you can it or leave it. I don't benefit either way.