Ive always loved sourdough, kinda cool that they could fill that market.

But anyway, this is good financial advice for any and everyone. I plan to do somthing simmilar, great advice!

He is missing one thing. Well not missing it in his own life, but in his article. Intelectual Capital. If you know stuff, really understand it, and possess strong character: You will be able to pull through any situation. A good work ethic, creativity, and a touch of know how and anybody can thrive anywhere. Those of you bound to the city for whatever reason can become fairly self-sufficient. You can experement with gardening in window boxes, pots, or even hydroponics. Learn to make Sourdough, and sell it. You could teach others to do the same (for a fee). Have eddible pets, like rabbits, chickens, or even hampsters. Make a small fish pond or plant your back yard. Get permission from the landlord to plant a garden by the apartment building in exchange for some of the produce. Learn some new skills by correspondence course, teach a community class at a local college or club. Find out who ones the old lot down the road, get permission to plant it, maybe an inexpensive renting arangement can be made or you may even be able to use it at no charge.

Be creative, improvise, adapt, overcome, and SURVIVE!!!

Just some thoghts,


Let tyrants shake their iron rod,
And Slavry clank her galling chains,
We fear them not, we trust in God,
New Englands God forever reigns.
- Chester