I don't post alot here... so I might step on a couple toes... is so, please accept my apology...

but if I do offend... ... was what I wrote wrong?

what follows is UNEDITED and was posted to the Minnesota 32ndff online forum at www.32ndff.net

change the names and dates to apply to you AO, and your group.


So either you are a complete IDIOT... or you can EASILY see the handwriting on the wall.

Change IS coming...


Sooner than you want.

Sooner than that.

Are you ready?

Of course you're not... who is? Who can be? Nobody.

It IS overwhelming.

It's too big.

What to do first?
Where to put what little FRNs you have so you make your BEST investment in your future ability for survival.

Defending your family. Your future. Their future.
Their children's children's future.

What will the war look like? How will it be fought?

You WON'T be fighting like a military.

Toe to toe with the BEAST is instant exibition of insanity. Mucho Stupido.

(Actually... the war against the American Citizen began with the Fourteenth Amendment BTW) now... most people are citizens. (BIG HUGE Difference) ... but that's a rabbit trail...

Let's boil it down... distil the message to get to my point...

Most of us come into the "militia movement" and the FIRST place we start putting our FRNs is... gear.

I won't disparage anyone who has put alot of FRNs into gear by dissing them with an implication that they are "TactiCool" but essentially useless...

If you've put alot of FRNs into gear... ok... you might need gear and it's good that you have it...

Just remember... it's not edible. Try this... (as an "alternate FTX"...) if you're not going to the FTX that's coming up...

Try this at home...

When you get up... don all your gear... wear it ALL day and do NOT have ANYTHING to eat or and ONLY drink what is in your kit with NO RESUPPLY.
All Day
and ALL night
and ALL the next day... 36 hours... NO food and only the water in your kit.

(Dang my combat kit is friggin kool but schyte I'm HUNGRY!... wish it were edible... and not so freakin HEAVY.. crap... I wish i would have gotten into better shape.. my back hurts.)

If America goes Argentina style... will you be walking around your neiborhood with your ebay interceptor TL IIIa plate carrier, HSGI drop leg, PRI gas piston AR, and multi-cam bdu's?

call me before you do that... I want to get in on the split-up of your gear Mr. Bullet/LEO Magnet...

You are going to need solar powered battery chargers, food, water, gurrilla economy trading wares, capitol, and skills... and food and water..

and food and water....
(Multi-cam BDUs and SAPI plates are NOT edible)

Odds are... "the war" will look ALOT like Chechnya or Iraq. Insurgency against a WELL FUNDED MultiNational "peace keeping" "civil-unrest quelling" military occupation force.

Mr Greyman will be the MilitiaMan who is still alive and not in a box-car bound for the Arizona desert...

You may VERY VERY well NEVER wear your LII combat rig...

Here's the punchline.

I KNOW it's huge... this undertaking of trying to be an upright, honorable, patriotic American ...

It IS too much.

It will ALWAYS be "too much".

All God holds you to is this...

Do what you can...

Start small... start TODAY.

I MUST confess... it has been a LONG time since I posted that I needed to get on a PT schedule...

I put it off... I put it off... I put it off...

Christian view: Sloth is SIN. I was in sin.

I have corrected that error.

I am now (have been for 2 weeks) on a DAILY, aggressive, schedule of protein intake, 5 miles on a cross trainer at an "aggressive" heart rate, free weights...

It helps that my schedule is co-existant with my wife's work-out schedule. We help eachother get to the gym.

Time is short brother.

You are going to NEED a "berky" style water filter.

You are going to NEED to be able to get in touch with other 32ndff guys.

If you can't see that... then fair thee well lost one... trouble us no longer. Go in peace, but please go.

If you see the writing on the wall.

I will see YOU at the FTX if you are at all able to be there... or... I will see YOU organizing an FTX and group building activities in your AO.

Nobody around you is interested in the 32ndff? Go win friends and influence people.

Print out FerFal\'s Blog and hand it to your trusted friends, family, and trusted neibors... form a local "Preparedness" education smallgroup...

start small... start TODAY...

now... go do a few push-ups! wink

Take the red pill
Technician Class Ham Mobile Radio Owner Operator.
Attendance at Meetings - /////////////