speaking of food increasing in cost. I went to walmart yesterday to buy the usual .56 cent canned veggies. I do this every month. 6 can minimum per purchase per veggie, been doing it since january, and have a pretty good supply of canned beans, peas, corn and such, as well as dried rice, beans, etc.

The canned goods have been .56 cents since around this time last year. I went yesterday, and they're now .72 cents. .16 cent increase! I don't think that's the end of the increase, either. If you're a coffee fan, buy it in bulk now. As this chart shows, coffee prices are on the rise, as well as most commodities. Things you need will start becoming expensive, and things you don't need will start becoming cheap.

Most people think barter in terms of hard useful tangibles, but you'd be surprised what people would do for a cup of coffee, pack of smokes, or a few shots of hooch. Even if ya don't smoke, buy a few cartons, they'll be hard to come by post shtf. A few large cans of coffee can get you good deals, too, as well as a few bottles of cheap, or not-so-cheap hooch. smile

"Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and the lies of their culture - will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses" - Plato